Giving stones for bread

Why are we so quick to judge? We live, work, and worship in communities. We are social creatures, so it is inevitable that we will work or serve with people who make mistakes, drop the ball, or simply make choices different from the ones we would make. Why are we so quick to criticize their... Continue Reading →

Looking for rainbows

I drove home watching the rivulets of rain run up the windshield and pondered the heavy sorrow in my heart. The day was half rainy and half sunny...depending on which way you looked. It occurred to me that it was the perfect weather for a rainbow. As I searched the skies and rounded a bend... Continue Reading →

Feeding the Multitude

Matthew 14–15; Mark 6–7; John 5–6: “Be Not Afraid” This story from the scriptures is very meaningful to me on several different levels. Here these people were, far from any source of temporal nourishment, because they went seeking to be fed spiritually. When the apostles (caring for the people) suggested they send them away to... Continue Reading →

Laying our sacrifices upon the altar

So many of us want to overcome the negative programming and self-image we have learned--from parents, our upbringing, our peers, media influences, and many other life experiences. We need to turn to our Heavenly parents. But when we go to our Heavenly Father to learn of our true nature and identity, we have to approach... Continue Reading →

Daggers placed to pierce their souls

I attended a church conference recently and listened to talks and counsel from local leaders. As a homeschooling mom and a primary teacher, I rarely have opportunities to sit in a room full of adults and give my undivided attention to the speaker. Despite being sick, I attended the meeting full of anticipation. I sorely... Continue Reading →

Be Strong and of a Good Courage

**A sacrament talk I gave on August 27, 2017 based on President Thomas S. Monson's April 2014 Conference Address: Be Strong and of a Good Courage** Brothers and sisters, we live in a world of immorality that increasingly calls evil good and good evil. All around us, sin is on flagrant display, and living a... Continue Reading →

Breaking The Cycle One Question at a Time

As a mother, I often wonder if I’m doing a ‘good job’. My upbringing didn’t really teach me good parenting skills, and I frequently fight back the anxiety that I’m passing my pain onto the next generation in a never ending cycle. Parenting is a largely thankless job on a daily basis. However, once in... Continue Reading →

God leads us to tools and resources.

Reading 1 Nephi 17 When the Lord commanded Nephi to build a ship, I'm sure Nephi felt overwhelmed. He lived in Jerusalem and likely knew nothing about building ships. However, we don't read here that he complained or was fearful. I imagine he felt some fear and inadequacy, but he doesn't record that for us.... Continue Reading →

The ABC’s of Gratitude

We are powerless over other people's behavior and attitudes. However, we have power over ourselves. We can choose to be angry, resentful, and negative, or we can choose to be joyful, content, and grateful. Adult children of addicts, or those who currently live with someone in addiction, often feel angry and resentful without really understanding... Continue Reading →

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